Friday, January 06, 2006

New Year's

So the plan for New Year's came together at the last minute as you might expect. Curtis invited me to a friends to have dinner and then head out onot the town form there. I bought a couple of bottles of wine and hit the public transport into town. Dinner was delicious (eggplant Parmesan) and the company was friendly as always. Curtis has a friend in visiting form New York, and he was an interesting new addition to the group. After dinner and drinking we headed off to see some fireworks. I forget what the original plan was. Somehow I got elected navigator, which was just silly, but we lost some of our party on a tram. Basically they are visiting, and we hopped a tram, but they missed it. The tram didn't go far, but I think they were a little lost, and decided not to follow. Anyway we waited for them for a few minutes, and then realized we were going to miss the countdown if we didn't hurry. As we were passing through Namesti Miru, I stopped the party, and talked them into staying put. Namesti Miru is overshadowed by a giant beautiful cathedral, has a large digital clock on one of the buildings, and had just enough people there to create a party atmosphere. I thought it better to stay there than end up missing the countdown on route to a place I wasn't sure how to get to. Anyway we stayed, and the fireworks from here were brilliant. We drank Champaign and I kissed everyone. Later we had a snowball fight.
We decided to have a conference about what to do next. The group was sort of divided. Curtis, Mickey (New York friend), and I wanted to go to this gay bar nearby and do some dancing, but the girls wanted to go elsewhere, I forget where exactly. While we were having this conference some Czechs tossed a firecracker at the group. Everyone scattered except me. I waited for it to go off, and kinda just looked at the group that had thrown it and yelled Happy New Year. I guess they were impressed because one of the guys walked over and handed me a handful of firecrackers. So I had fun throwing those at people. Anyway, we headed off finally, but got distracted on the way by a noisy little sidestreet bar that didn't have a cover, so we went in there for a while. Finally, the boys and I headed out, because we really wanted to dance. I got an opportunity to do some sidewalk ice skating, but apparently neither my shoes nor my stride are properly adjusted to the ice, because I kept busting my ass ALL NIGHT. I fell down 5 times.
We finally managed to get to the club, and did in fact get to do some dancing. Eventually we headed out and went to get a late night snack at this all night fast food Mexican joint I know. But eventually I had to hop the bus and head home. Unfortunately the next morning I felt like some one had beaten me with a rubber hose, and some of the bruises are still there, but it was worth it.

P.S. I gave the address to this blog to some of my new Czech friends (Hello Kate, Jiri, Blanka, and Gabby), so if you see strange new comments in Czech I will do my best to translate those.

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