Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Karlstejn 2-The Americas

After the success of the pub outing to Velke Pavlovice, George decided to take us to see The Americas at Karlstejn. This was to be a 15-20km hike through hilly terrain. We would see mines, mining pits, and lots of beautiful countryside. George warned us to bring wet weather clothing and flashlights. The pictures tell the story pretty well, but the trip was long and exhausting and a couple of times even dangerous. However, it was extremely fun and rewarding. The country was indeed very pretty and the old mining pits provide quite a spectacle. It reminded me how much I really enjoy hiking and the outdoors, and Megan (who acquitted herself quite well) even agreed that it would be nice to do more activities like this. At the end of the day we were all covered in mud and, for those less prepared, soaked through with rain. The sight of the little pub by the train station made us all very happy indeed. My pictures. George's Pictures.

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