Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was mostly quiet. I had very few plans. I went to Pub night as usual on Thursday with dancing after. On Friday my friend and colleague Anne had planned a little dart night at Harleq'in. Megan, Aidrian, Rob, Marta, Matt, and I all showed up to toss a few darts. most people slowly dissappeared, but as the night grew long, Anne talked Megan, Aid and I into going to the Piano Bar, though i'll admit I needed little convincing. Aid and Megan were the toughest. Aid had plans to go out of town with Rob and Marta the next day, but in the end he joined us. We wandered over to the Piano bar making a couple of stops on the way. At one bar we were refused draft beer becasue they were "out". This was my first lesson in attempts by bar owner to increase their margins using the late night crowd. In the end, we made it to Piano bar. Unfortunately there was no Piano playing for the night, but we did get a very fun drag variety show. Lip synching, dresses, wigs, et al. Around 4am Megan and I decided to leave, though Aid and Anne stuck around. I got directions from Aid to make sure I got home ok, and verified those directions with Anne. That's really when th night started to fall apart. Megan was exhaisted to the point of being nearly incapacitated. We followed the directions given, but after a fw minutes of walking realized we were going in the wrong direction. We found the nearest tram stop, and decided to wait for the next tram in our direction, as it was not long due. It came promptly, and took us over to IP Pavlova, where we could catch the last night bus back to my neighborhood, at 4:45. We hopped on , and to keep Megan distracted from her exhaustion, I went through her Czech flash carsd with her. Apparently the driver decided not to finish his route, something I still don't understand. We realized this after about 20 minutes on the bus and we were passing Muzeum. Shortly thereafter we arrived back at IP Pavlova. Now about 5:15 we went down to take the Metro which starts at 5am. Eventually it rolled into the station and took us to Kobylisy, while Megan tried to catch a nap. At Kobylisy we had to wait for the first morning bus to take us home, which didn't pull up until almost 5:45. We finally managed to get home around 6am or thereabouts. Sometime during all of this, I had promised Megan that she would have a completely lazy sleep day on Saturday, so that's what she got.

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